Studies have shown that physical activities in natural and green environments help you to feel revitalized and rejuvenated. It engages you in your environment in a positive way. You’ll feel better about yourself while exercising in a clean environment. Improved self-esteem has been linked to outdoor activity, with a reduction in negative moods such as anger, depression, and tension being lessened simply by being outdoors, particularly around pristine environments.
On a physical and mental health note, exercise outside is extremely good for you. Green spaces have been found to support improved physical health both objectively and subjectively, so your sense of well-being is improved right along with your immune system, heart health, and recovery time. You may also feel the stress and anxiety just melt away too. Fresh air can take your fitness to the next level, so get yourself a can of pure fresh Ozi Air and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.
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